Some people do experience a Keto Flu when they start this diet, as their body transitions over from the use of Carbs to Fats for its energy. Myself, I really didnt experience this, but a couple of friends did struggle for about 4/5 days. They felt sluggish, grumpy, tired, and had cravings. I think this is because they ate a load more carbs than I did anyways, so they had a worse 'withdrawal' time. I on the other hand was just super thirsty and wanted to drink the world.
Once you have settled into the diet, I think the norm is to be in Keto from about a week, if you are new to it. You can go out and buy Keto Sticks to pee on which are like pregnancy tests but for ketones, and will show you how much you have in your pee. Ive never bothered doing this, as I dont need to test, I can feel it in myself. How so, you ask? Here are some little pointers from my experience:
- Crazy thirsty, like I will drink up to 3L pr day
- Lots of wee wee trips, in addition to the more drinking of water
- Perky moods
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Better skin, nails and hair - mine become stronger, from the fats maybe?
- Rumbly tummy but not actually hungry - like I can hear it growling, but more like wind
- Speaking of wind...WIND
- Lots of WIND
- And, the most final way that I know I am in Ketosis is...that special Keto Poop. You ALL know what Im on about if you have been doing this diet for a while! Some people either get super backed up, or your colon will get as clean as a whistle...and be warned. The Keto Poops arent for the fainthearted or those with a sensitive gag reflex. Two girls, One House...lots of air freshener gets used. Yeah. That.
Some people find that they get tummy cramps, feel sick, their breath changes smell, headaches, metallic taste in mouth...the list can go on, as obviously everyone will have an individual experience. I think Im quite lucky as I really dont get any negatives from Keto, just the main positives.
Once I notice these 'symptoms', I know that Im hitting my sweet spot and Im onto a roll, and the pounds literally start melting off of me.
Obviously, once youre in Keto, you want to stay in it. But, people do like cheat days, everyone likes treat days! Just be aware that whilst treats are absolutely fine, and I would encourage them to an extent, so that you can shock your body back into Keto when needed...just remember that whatever you put into your body that will kick it out of Ketosis will take a couple of days or more to get out of your system. So if you think of having a pizza over the weekend, go for it! Just remember to add in about 2/3 days for your body to get back into the swing of using Ketosis for energy, rather than carbs. So, whilst treat days re good, if you have them all the time, you wont really see the benefits of doing this diet as your body will always be playing catch up.
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